Dealing with the effects of financial abuse can be very scary and frustrating. Not having any money makes you feel trapped. A ruined credit history that affects your ability to be able to get a job or rent an apartment can make you feel like you have no options!
I can assure you that you are not trapped and you do indeed have options!
Your credit score may be at rock bottom now, and you may not have the funds to be able to move out or move on with your life YET, but this coaching will enable you to get where you want to be both emotionally and financially in just a few short months.
We will work together to help you heal from the devastating impacts of financial abuse, and we will take an honest look at your finances together; creating a powerful plan of action for your future.
You will learn how to fix your credit and improve your credit score, create a budget for your expenses, as well as learn easy ways to decrease your expenses, and increase your monthly income.
Get support in healing from the financial abuse, push past any fears you may have around the lack of money, and walk away with an action plan of clarity for your financial future.
This is an individualized, private and confidential one on one coaching program done over six coaching sessions, over a three month period. It is designed to help you heal from the abuse while giving you the tools to get you to where you want to be financially.
Financial Abuse Recovery Coaching Program
$597 - Three monthly payments of $199.
Full payment option $550